Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Did You Know Bruce Lee ?

Tahun 1940 adalah tahun naga, pada tahun itu di suatu rumah sakit di San Fransisco lahirlah Lee Hsiao Lung. Dokter yang menangani kelahiran bayi itu, memberinya nama Inggris, Bruce. Demikianlah sang legenda terlahir.

Bruce adalah anak yang rapuh bahkan ia termasuk anak yang susah makan. Sehingga ketika dia terlibat perkelahian ala jalanan ia mengalami kekalahan. Waktu itu ia berumur 14 tahun. Setelah berdiskusi dengan ibunya, ia memutuskan belajar seni bela diri.Jenis ilmu bela diri yang ia pelajari adalah Wing Chun, ia berguru dengan Sifu Yip Man. Ia juga berguru dengan master kungfu Siu Hon Sung. Biasanya dibutuhkan tiga minggu untuk menguasai 30 jurus Siu Hon Sung, Bruce Lee hanya memerlukan tiga malam saja. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, Bruce lee ingin sekali menguji keahlian kungfunya dalam perkelahian yang sesungguhnya. Maka ia pun terlibat dalam perkelahian jalanan. Polisi memberi peringatan kepada ibunya jika Bruce tidak menghentikan ulahnya maka ia akan ditahan. Lalu ayahnya membuat keputusan untuk mengirim Bruce ke Amerika agar menjadi orang yang lebih bertanggung jawab.Dengan berbekal 100 US$ berangkatlah ia ke tanah kelahirannya San Fransisco dengan kapal laut. Dalam perjalanan Bruce masih sempat mencari uang dengan memberi kursus tari cha-cha.Di San Fransisco, Bruce dititipkan kepada teman ayahnya, Ruby Chow, pemilik sebuah restoran.Bruce pun kemudian memutuskan untuk melanjutkan kuliah di Seattle dan mengambil jurusan filsafat. Di universitas tersebut ia bersua dengan sesama teman dari Asia bernama Taki Kimura Kimura pernah mengalami serangkaian serangan rasialis. Didasari belas kasihan, Bruce memotivasi Kimura untuk meningkatkan harga dirinya dengan cara melatih dia seni beladiri. Inilah cikal bakal sekolah seni beladiri kungfu dan tidak lama kemudian sekolah itu pun berdiri. Sekolah ini terbuka untuk umum atau bagi siapa saja yang berminat. Berbeda sekali dengan di Hong Kong. Di Hong Kong, kung fu adalah ilmu rahasia yang tidak boleh sembarangan diajarkan kepada orang. Hanya orang terhormat saja yang boleh mempelajari kung fu.Tahun 1961 ia berjumpa dengan seorang gadis bernama Linda Emery. Mereka jatuh cinta, menikah, lalu lahirlah Brandon disusul Shannon dua tahun kemudian.Tahun 1964, dalam suatu turnamen karate, Bruce mendemonstrasikan jurus pukulan satu inchi yang legendaris.Setelah berbagai film dibuat dan berbagai kesuksesan diraih, pada tanggal 10 Mei 1973 Bruce tiba-tiba pingsan selama setengah jam saat mengisi dubbing untuk “Enter The Dragon”. Dokter memberinya resep Manatol, obat untuk mengatasi gejala brain swelling (pengembangan otak).

The Vampire Assistant Film !

A teenager unknowingly breaks a 100-year-old truce between two warring factions of vampires, Vampires who do not harm their victims and Vampaneze who kill whoever they feed on.

Darren Shan and best friend Steve go to a traveling freak show, Steve recognizes one of the performers as a vampire. Steve goes to the vampire Larten Crepsley (John C. Reilly) and tries to convince him to make Steve into a vampire. Crepsley refuses, and Steve swears to kill the vampire and leaves. Darren, who is hiding in the cupboard after stealing Crepsley's spider, hears the whole thing.

When Crepsley realizes that Madam Octa has been stolen, Darren runs away. Outside there is a limo waiting for him, which he is told to get into. Inside he meets Desmond Tiny (Michael Cerveris) and mad vampaneze Murlough (Ray Stevenson). They drop him off at his house where he sneaks back into his room.

The next day at school, Steve tries to take a look at Madam Octa, she escapes and bites him. Darren goes to Crepsley to ask for the antidote. Crepsley will only give him the antidote if Darren becomes a vampire. They administer the antidote to Steve, after which Darren sounds the hospital alarm forcing Crepsley to leave without him. Darren nearly hurts his sister and agrees to leave with Crepsley, to the Cirque du Freak. He fakes his own death and a funeral is held for him. Steve notices the scars on Darrens fingers and realizes he has become a vampire.

When Crepsley digs up Darren's grave they are attacked by Murlough. They lose Murlough and return to the Cirque. Darren meets the snake boy Evra Von (Patrick Fugit) and Rebecca (Jessica Carlson), the monkey girl. Meanwhile, Steve is contemplating suicide. Mr. Tiny stops him and offers him a chance to become a Vampaneze like Murlough. Tiny learns Darren has not fed on humans yet and sends vampaneze after him knowing that he will be weak. Darren escapes so they kidnap Rebecca and have Evra tell Darren to go home.

Steve has Murlough capture Darren's family. Darren arrives home to find his family missing and a flier for Cirque du Freak. Darren arrives at the theater, where Murlough and Steve are waiting for him. They fight but Darren is weak from not feeding. Crepsley arrives to fight Murlough. Rebecca frees herself while Mr. Tiny watches from the balcony, and offers Darren some of her blood. He agrees and fights with Steve using his new powers. Crepsley stabs Murlough and with his dying words anounces that the truce between the two clans is broken. Steve and Darren fight. Tiny stops them and then turns Murlough into a Little Person. Tiny and Steve then leave.

When they all return to the Cirque Du Freak, Darren is voted in by the Cirque's members to stay. Later, Gavner Purl (William Defoe) comes to inform Crespley that they must travel to Vampire Mountain tomorrow morning. Darren and Evra return to their tent to find out that Darren now has a new coffin with speakers installed in it, a present from Mr.Crepsley.

Amezcua Harmonized Energy...

The effects of the Amezcua Bio Disc, the Amezcua Chi Pendant, and the Amezcua Energy Shell on the quality of water and the bioenergetic state of the human body were tested by Dr med. Manfred Doepp at the Holistic Center in Germany, using meridian diagnostics. The test result show that the Amezcua Bio Disc, Amezcua Chi Pendant, and the Amezcua Energy Shell have a succesful operational area in the energetic-informational treatment of liquids and water containing nutrients.